Religious Faith Crises
- Understanding Mormon Disbelief (Research conducted for the LDS Church in 2011)
Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Experiences within Mormonism
- Journal of Counseling Psychology:
- Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy:
- Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health:
- Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research
- Journal of Homosexuality
- Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
- Journal of GLBT Family Studies
- A Mixed Methods Analysis of the Family Support Experiences of GLBQ Latter-day Saints
- Mormon Mixed-Orientation Marriages: Variations in Attitudes and Experiences by Sexual Orientation and Current Relationship Status
- Same- and Other-Sex Aversion and Attraction as Important Correlates of Quality and Outcomes of Mormon Mixed-Orientation Marriages
- Differences in Religious Experience between Men and Women in a Sexual Minority Sample of Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Anxiety Disorders
- Behavior Modification:
- Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy:
- Cognitive and Behavioral Practice:
Book Chapter
- Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Core Principles for Practice:
Ph.D. Dissertation